Monday, December 28, 2015

The Miracle of Magic Kleenexes

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The longest week of my life

Not really, but that's kind of what it felt like. It mostly felt like the longest week of my life because I was going back through my camera and we took like a bajillion photos this week. Most of them are from when my zone leaders took my camera and took weird photos of the inside of their mouths and their feet. Idk, you guys. Elders. That's all I can say. 

Anywho. I probably already said this but I'm going to say it again because I'm just so excited about it. SISTER DURRANT AND I ARE STAYING IN AIRDRIE TOGETHER FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!! WOO HOO!!!! Best Christmas wish ever. The only bummer is instead of covering both 1st and 2nd wards, we only cover 2nd ward now. It's good because now we can focus a bit more on just the work in 2nd ward, but it's also really sad because we love love loved the people in 1st ward. And now they have elders. Bleh. JUST KIDDING ELDERS ARE GREAT. But we will miss our 1st warders. (*You'll be in our hearts... yes you'll be in our hearts* name that song quote)

On Monday we had supper with a family in 2nd ward who is leaving for Australia for Christmas. They invited all the elders and we ate pizza and had a good time. We'll miss them, but the cool thing is is that now that we're both staying in Airdrie, we'll be here when they get back! Yay! 

Tuesday, we had our District Meeting at Joey's Fish & Chips. Tuesdays are unlimited fish&chips day, so we took advantage of that. We also walked a member's dog, she wasn't feeling well and her German Sheppard is like 7 months so he has a TON of energy. It was a good work out for us(: We did that a few times this week and it's actually a pretty neat finding idea. People are like a billion times more willing to talk to you when you have a dog, especially if they have a dog too. We also found a violin for Elder Pugh to play at Fred's house, per Fred's request. He busted out his accordion and keyboard for me to play and it was just a jolly good time, jolly good. 

I can't remember what we did Wednesday. It's kind of a blur, and I don't have my planner with me again, so there goes my brain! Although, we did take some district photos on Wednesday before transfers. Minus Sister 
Durrant because she didn't want to be in them/someone had to take them and she volunteered as tribute. 


Friday we made
gingerbread houses after supper with a family in our ward. The elders (our zone leaders who took my camera) came too. They just got into 1st ward so they don't have any suppers this week so they've been tagging along with us. Both elders really went all out on their houses. One made the temple. The other made a log cabin, complete with a souped up truck and a gummy bear climbing in lol.  

Saturday we helped a member move. Let's just say, being on a mission has taught me how to downsize. But it was really neat to see all the people that came out to help this lady, from the ward she was moving from and the ward she was moving into. 
Sunday we went to the stake caroling festival at the stake center. I sang O Holy Night and with the choir. I also sang in sacrament meeting for the ward Christmas program. And this week we get to go to the Nativity pageant in Calgary! Woo hoo!

Something I learned this week was that everyone has their own individual struggles and issues and challenges. We can try to evaluate the situation and try and figure out what that person needs and do all we can to help them, but sometimes it's just not our job. Our job is to love everyone regardless of those struggles, issues, and challenges. It's the Lord's job to fix their problems. It's the Lord's job to judge what they need. We just need to give Christlike love. That's something I'm REALLY trying to work on. I don't love everyone the way I should, but I sure want to. So that's my goal for this week, to have Christlike love for everyone, especially at this CHRISTmas season. 
What's your goal?

I love you all so much! I'm so excited to Skype my family on Friday. Literally the highlight of the week. Of the month. Of the transfer...
 Ok, I just love my family alright? My mom sent me a photo of her and dad dressed up for the Star Wars movie and it was seriously the best thing I'd seen all day. So those of you at home with your families, CHERISH THEM. I'm talking to you, Jake. :D 
That's all for now!
Sister Pipkin
But wait, there's more!
P.S. I'll try to attach all the photos that are worth looking at, but no promises. 
 Thursday was transfers. Transfers are always sad. It's sad to see people go home or get transferred. BUT. My baby and my mommy were both at transfers, so we got a posterity photo(:

I really like taking people's devices (tablets, iPads, iPhones) and taking selfies with my comp and their kids, as you can tell. 
And those are my zone leaders. That's what happens when you take my camera. The photos get sent to my family/friends. MWahahaha.


Us  plus Olivia Jackson , plus some....:)

Monday, December 14, 2015

Miracles, Miracles, Miracles all the way

This week has been full of small miracles that I'm just like holy cow, thank you Heavenly Father!!!!

We picked up a new investigator, Haleigh! Our zone leaders were in our area tracting/street contacting and they found her and she said she'd be interested in learning more. So we met with her at the library and she's super sweet! She wants her mom to meet with us too! So we're excited with what this next week will bring for her. 
Also, that same night, I taught a kid in our ward how to balance a spoon on his nose.
Really productive missionary work, I know. Hey mom, this is the family that came down a few weeks ago and taught you how to pronounce Airdrie. Just so you all know, it's air-dree. Not air-dare. Silly mommy. (; 

We had breakfast this week with a girl in the YSA ward who is preparing to go on a mission in February. She's headed to the Portugal Lisbon mission! She's seriously the coolest and she'll be such an awesome missionary. It's so cool to be reminded of that excitement right before my mission. Helps keep me going! 

So we have this investigator named Ramon. We haven't been able to get a hold of him for EVER because he works out of town all the time. Anyways. He's Spanish. He speaks English pretty well, but as far as comprehension goes on the lessons we teach, he really needs it in his native language. So we had the Spanish elders come with us to a lesson with him this week and it was so sick!!! I didn't understand a word that was said, besides Jose Smith, but the Spirit was SO STRONG. It was crazy. AND THEN. He came to church! It was awesome. We're so excited for him to progress, now that he can actually understand what he's being taught. 

Later that night, we went caroling with our district. It was a ton of fun. We found a bunch of people that were less active that we didn't even know where they lived, and they were all so nice because we sang to them. One lady tried to give us $30. One lady lent an elder a coat because he forgot his. Idk how you forget your coat in December in Canada, but whatever. Another family invited us in for chocolate and soda. It was a really fun finding activity. There was one guy who slammed the door on us and he was a jerk, but other than that, it was a blast. 

AND THEN. (This was the best ever) We have a part member family our ward that we just LOVE. The dad has had the missionaries over forever, since like 1992 and he comes to church all the time and he's just awesome. Anyways. They're really busy, but yesterday, he comes up and asks us if we can come over this week!!!! So we're hoping we can talk about the big B word... baptism. Mwahahahahaha. We'd love that for him and his family. 

ANYWAYS. It was a great week. And the best part is that it's transfer week and SISTER DURRANT AND I ARE STAYING TOGETHER FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!! I'm so stoked. It's gonna be the best ever. 

Enjoy these silly photos of us in this really cold winter wonderland. And then my companion and I and a really awesome lady in our ward whom we love(:.
 I love you guys all! Have a safe week!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

That one time an old guy professed his love for me

You guys remember our kind of investigator, Fred, right? Fred is 86 and we help him clean every other week with the elders, and he's really stubborn and won't pray but we continue to try and teach him anyways because he's such a sweet old guy and we just cherish him. Anyways. One time, he said he needed one of us to live with him to help clean up after him throughout the week. Sister Durrant jokingly said,
"Sister Pipkin will do it!" 
Thanks, beloved companion. All fun and games, though, because Fred has a great sense of humor. 
Well, this week, he told us,
"Life without a woman is no good," 
to which we laughed.
And then he looks at me and says,
"I want you to stay with me." 
I said, "Oh yeah? Why's that?" 
"Well... because I love you!"
It was adorable and really funny and we spent the whole week reenacting the whole seen. Sweet Fred. Someday he'll decide to pray. But for now, we'll keep serving him. (:

Also this week, we were at the foodbank doing our weekly volunteer stuff, and they gave us a new job. Decorating for Christmas! Yay! I love decorating. Featured is a photo of me and Becca (the daughter of a volunteer whom I want my brother to marry someday) and I next to one of the Christmas trees we put up. She's such a doll. And she shares mine and Sister Durrant's love for T-Swift. 

Probably one of the coolest things this week was that we got to go to the temple. You guys, I just love the temple. It's the best. It's so refreshing to have your spiritual bucket filled to the brim and to be reminded of the promised blessings we are given when we make sacred covenants with our Heavenly Father. It's seriously a huge blessing to have a temple in our mission, and we have two! This one is the Calgary temple. Also, the members who took us have rockin' Australian accents and took us to this really good Vietnamese food place afterwards, so that was a bonus. 

On Friday, we helped set up for 1st ward's Christmas party. Did I mention I love decorating? I do. It was like Christmas morning for me. (which is coming up and if you really want to show your love for me you'll send me something(; *hint hing* *wink wink*) Afterwards, we indulged ourselves in the lunch buffet at Pizza Hut. Was it good? Oh yeah. Was it good for me? Absolutely not. But that's ok because we walked all day, so it makes up for it... right???

Saturday, we went to the elders baptism. They failed to get a pianist ahead of time so I filled in. They're so lucky to have me. The baptism was awesome. It was a part member family and the dad was being baptized, so it was so neat to see him take that step. Next is a temple sealing! Woo hoo! 
We helped set up for our other ward's Christmas party, and then we went and helped out at the Christmas parade. Our job was to make sure no one drives into the parade from the side streets. We got to wear traffic vests and look all official and stuff. Except, apparently if you're wearing a skirt (which I was) people don't listen to you, traffic vest or not. That was annoying. But it was fun. And then our investigator family came to our Christmas party!!!! It was so awesome. I just love love love them and their cute little girls. So excited for what the Lord has in store for them. 

And th-th-th-that's all, folks! Love you all so much. If you haven't had a chance to yet, go to and watch the new video the Church has put out, #ASaviorIsBorn. It's so neat. 

-Sister Pipkin

Monday, November 30, 2015

Flu shots don't work

I hate getting shots anyways, so I don't normally get flu shots, but our mission president asked us to get them. So we did because we're obedient. And then this week, we got the flu. So that was fun. And it's also the reason why I don't have much to say because we were out for a couple of days.

So, if you remember Alberta, she's the old lady in the nursing home we visit who started asking about baptism, we visited her again this week and sang her some Christmas hymns and then talked about the Saviour's influence in our lives. It was her 85th birthday this week, so we took some photos with the birthday girl. She's just the sweetest. The other lady we visit, Leona, she's in the hospital. So that's sad. We're going to try and visit her because her health is really poopy and she says her family hates her so.... we're going to hopefully brighten her day. 

We've started doing service through the Church's website, #JustServe, and it's really awesome. It's a great way to get us out in the community helping anyone who needs help. This weekend, we helped set up the Christmas lights for Airdrie's Festival of Lights this weekend. Luckily, it was a really nice day, because we were outside all day replacing light bulbs and making sure things work. It was neat because when we showed up, the people in charge were so happy to see us, they didn't think they were going to get any help at all! They fed us lunch and provided the best hot chocolate ever known to man. Except I accidentally gave an elder a cup of coffee on accident, so that was awkward. But it was a great service opportunity. Service is just one of those things that everyone needs and as soon as we step outside of our comfort zones and help people, it makes us just so much happier. I love it. 

And that's kind of it for this week, unfortunately. We did substitute teach the Valiant 9  primary class and that was a blast. I used to sub for Valiant 9 before I went to school and it was so fun. They're awesome little kids. When we first walked in, they got all excited and were like, "Yay, the sister missionaries are teaching us!" So that was awesome. We taught about Paul testifying of Christ and being a valiant disciple, even though he had it tough with people stoning him and casting him into prison and stuff. 

So that's my message to you this week. Is to be valiant like Paul. He always testified of Christ and stood firm in his belief of the Saviour, even when, and especially when, people were persecuting him for it. So as we each go throughout our individual weeks, remember the Saviour and how we can be a valiant disciple of Him. Be an example and others will notice it. 

Love you all so much! Hope you had fabulous a Thanksgiving and Black Friday!

-Sister Pipkin 

 1) ... "I saw a pillar of light..."

 2) Sister Durrand and Alberta and I

3) Sister Topley and I matched at Activity Days

Monday, November 23, 2015

Montreal temple re-dedication

This Sunday, we were able to attend the Montreal Temple re-dedication that was broadcasted throughout Canada. It was really awesome and the Spirit was so strong. It made me miss my family a TON because I was reminded of the blessings that come from having an eternal family. Gosh dang it was neat. We went twice, to the early morning session and again to the late afternoon session. The second time, we went with a really awesome lady in our ward whose family wasn't able to attend, so we went and sat with her and it was just sweet. 

Tuesday was an elder in our district's birthday, he was turning 20, so we made him a birthday cake and it was really stinkin' good, if I do say so myself. Lol just kidding, my companion made it. I just put the smarties on that spelled out 20. American smarties. In Canada, smarties are like m&m's but not really because they have m&m's too. They call our smarties rockets. It's silly. No offense, guys(; Anyways. We had a little party for him, complete with a banner that said, "Happy birthday, Elder Pugh!" which I did make lol I'll take credit for that one. 

Thursday, we were contacting a guy named Roger we met a while ago. Turns out he doesn't live there and never has, so we think he might be an angel or something. Anyways, the lady who does live there, we were telling her that we offer service and she said, "I don't know what kind of services you sweeties offer, but I'm not interested." So basically.... I think she thought we were prostitutes, because we somehow failed to mention that we're missionaries. Even though we were covered literally from head to toe because it is FREEZING out here. So that made for a fun experience to write in my journal. We still don't know what happened to Roger, which is why we're pretty sure our guess about him being an angel is correct. 

Friday, the elders in 3rd ward had a baptism that we went to and it was so neat. There's such a special spirit at baptisms and it just kind of helps you refocus as to what your purpose is here on a mission. It's to help others come unto Christ and help them make those changes in their lives necessary to feel the love and happiness the Saviour has to offer them. 
On a less intensely spiritual, lighter note, the elder who baptized had to wear one of the really old outfits that kind of looks like a dress because they ran out of the normal jumpsuits and it was hilarious. I had a hard time keeping my composure lol. 
Last night, we went to mission prep like we normally do on Sunday evenings, and only one kid showed up and like six missionaries. I'm sure he felt intimidated. But the teacher had us show off all of our object lessons and there's like so many it's not even funny. It's awesome, though because object lessons really help people understand what we're trying to teach. Anyways, I've turned into a total sister missionary because I have so many of them up my sleeve. 

So that's basically it for this week. It lightly snowed a couple of times, but nothing seriously Canadian yet.
Also, one of the apartment complexes we were trying to visit someone at has Astro-turf, so I figured I'd suntan.  Anyways. Love you all. Thanks for all your love and support, it means a lot(:

Sister Pipkin 

Monday, November 16, 2015

A Grace Baptist preacher name Richard and a ferret named Sploch (I think)

For those of you who do not know me very well, I am extremely stubborn and I don't necessarily like being told what to do. If you know my mom, this won't really come as quite a shock. I also really really do not appreciate it when people try to tell me what I believe, and that I don't know what I'm doing. It makes me furious.
So, I bet you can guess what happened this week. 
Someone told me all of those things. 
His name was Richard. Richard is a preacher for the Grace Baptist church here in town and they basically hate Mormons. Why? I don't know. All we did was ask if he needed help putting up his Christmas decorations. Guess not. 
Richard tried to tell me that I don't believe in the grace of God, and that we believe we have to earn heaven. I wanted to quote to him 2 Nephi 25:23, "...for we know that it is by GRACE that we are saved, after all we can do." But I didn't because there's no point in arguing. He also tried to tell me that we worship Joseph Smith in the Book of Mormon. I wanted to show him that the Book of Mormon is ancient records from hundreds and hundreds of years before Joseph Smith and that he only translated it through the power of God. But I didn't because that would be arguing. He tried to tell me that he knows more about what I believe than I do. I tried to tell him that I wouldn't give up 18 months of my life for something I didn't know what I believed. But I didn't because he wouldn't shut up long enough for me to. Finally, I asked him if I could shake his hand, (which he surprisingly let me) told him his Christmas lights would look lovely when they were done, and we walked away. 
So this experience really really made me angry, to the point that I was shaking as we were walking away. But! I learned a few things from this experience. Good things. First, that this poor guy really had no idea what he was missing out on. He can have his own beliefs, that's fine, and I totally respect that, but he doesn't even know what it is he's bashing! He was totally misinformed and that made me sad because this gospel is so. Good. And has blessed my life so richly. Second, I learned that contending with an idiot just makes you look like an idiot, too. (:

Later that day, we went to lunch with a member. While we were there, this guy named Brent came up to us and asked if we were Sister Missionaries. He basically talked to us the whole time we were there, asking us all these questions, and continually repeating himself. Guys, he was drunk. I don't know what it is about sisters and drunk guys, but we always seem to attract them. But the cool part of this story is that he was really interested in what our church teaches and let us get his information so we could pass him to the missionaries that cover the area he lives in. We hope he can get some help and let the gospel bless his life.

We visit this old 7th-day Adventist lady at the nursing home and she's really sweet and dying. She always asks us to sing her hymns and share stories from the bible, so we do and it's really neat. A couple of weeks ago, we met her daughter and her daughter said she wanted to come to our church. We gave her our card and hope to be able to help her out. But the other day when we were visiting this old lady, (her name is Alberta) she asked us about baptism in our church. We told her how it works and why it's so important, and that was that. We're not sure if this cute little thing might want to be baptized, or if her daughter had talked to her about it or what. But can you imagine baptizing a 90-something year old? We're talkin' oxygen tank and all! But it's never too late to enter into the straight and narrow. (: 

A couple of months ago, I started re-writing the lyrics to Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Calliat, and I just finished it a couple weeks ago during studies. For zone conference, our zone leaders called and asked if I would do a musical number and I said, "Only if Elder Weidner will do it with me." Obviously, he said no, but he ended up giving in. He learned the chords for the song on the ukulele and Elder Assily (who already knows the song and the harmonies really well) sang it with me. So we got a video of it but it's too big to send, so I'll have to try and figure out how to get it to ya'll. But basically it was awesome and I'm so grateful for "willing" and musically talented elders who make it fun(:
Later that day, we were stopping by our investigator's house to drop of the Restoration video for them to watch, and we saw this lady sitting on her porch smoking. We stopped to talk to her for a minute and ended up asking her if we could come back another time to share with her what our church believes. We expected her to say no and whatever, but she said yes! Like, she's totally interested! We were super stoked about that and we're excited to see where it goes this week. She has a cute little baby girl and it'd be awesome to see how the gospel would bless their lives. 

Highlight of the week: I GOT TO GO ON EXCHANGES WITH MY MOMMA!
Momma: noun - sister missionary who trained me whom I love dearly and am grateful for just how freaking awesome she is.
It was like hanging out with my best friend. We took a bajillion photos (k, not really a bajillion, but more than I normally take) and just had a blast. All the good times just came flooding back and I just love her so much. We taught a lady who had a ferret named Sploch. I think his name is Sploch but I'm not really sure because I asked the two year old and that's what I got. But anyways. Sploch kissed me. It was cute. It was a good time. 

A couple of sisters in my ward have sons on missions and they share their emails with us occasionally and they put my wimpy weekly emails to shame. So I've decided I need to do better, hence this super long email. My hands are cramping. Woe is me. But. I just love you guys so much and your support. It means a ton when I see names in my inbox that I haven't seen forever. It's just the best. 
I KNOW that this gospel is true and that it is of God. Don't try to tell me otherwise, or you might end up like Richard(; But I'm grateful for the impact it has had on my life and my family and for the Book of Mormon. I know it's true! 
Love you all so much(:

Sister Pipkin

Friday, November 13, 2015

The days turn into weeks and the weeks turn into days

And that's my cop-out for not remembering what happened this week. It's all a blur! Time is so weird as a missionary and I also don't have my planner in front of me with all the stuff we did this week. But we took some good photos, so that should make up for it (: 

Firstly, it snowed this week! Yay! So that was exciting. 

We did a lot of service this week which is always so awesome. It's great to see how we can help others and it always just feels so good to do something for someone else. Of course, we always find a way to slip a little spiritual message in the end(; 

We're teaching a family the discussions and it's so awesome because they have so many questions and they're so accepting of the gospel! It's the coolest thing ever. We have an amazing member, the bishop's wife, who comes with us to our lessons with this family and she's so awesome. She got their numbers and has been inviting them to activities and just being a great friend to them. We love her(: We're really excited for this family, we feel like they're progressing well and we're hoping to get them a baptismal date this week!


Ok, so that's all I can tell you this week because the computer's about to kick me off, and I can't remember anything haha. They say mom brain is a thing, but so is missionary brain. I'm so forgetful! Haha. 

Love you all!

-Sister Pipkin  

Sister Pipkin goes to the zoo

Monday, October 19, 2015

This grumpy guy and too many Thanksgiving dinners

So there's this guy in the other ward's bishopric whose dad lives in
our ward boundaries. Anyways. The old guy's name is Fred. He's not a
member, but his son wants him to be. Go figure, right? Fred's wife is
in a long-term care center and he just moved into our boundaries, so
he needs some help. We set up a time to go over with the elders and
help him out with whatever he needed, which happened to be house
cleaning. And it wasn't really that bad, he's just old and can't do it
himself. Anywho. He was pretty nice. Until we asked him if we could
share a message with him before we go. Haha, that was quite the time.
Basically, Elder Pugh (like a gun noise, pew pew) taught him about the
Book of Mormon and we shared 2 Nephi 32:9 about prayer with an object
lesson. He took it pretty ok, except for that it came out of the Book
of Mormon. And then we invited him to pray and he said no. Haha oh
geez. But he said we could come back next week to help him clean some
more! And share another message, although he doesn't quite know that
that's what he agreed to(;

So we volunteer at the Airdrie Food Bank and oh my it is so fun.
There's this lady who works there, Lynn, and her daughter, Becca.
Jake, she's in the same grade as you and you'd love her! You need to
get sent here on your mission and convert her and then marry her, k?
Anyways. We love the people that volunteer there. Mostly because they
give us food that's expired but still safe to eat. And also because
they're fun and crazy and just plain awesome. It's also a great
opportunity for the community to see that missionaries are normal
people, we just really love our church!

The other day, we were trying to decide which part of our area to
visit people in and I just felt like we needed to visit the Reunion
neighborhood. So we did. And all the less-active and former
investigators in that area weren't home or didn't want to see us.
#LifeOfAMissionary. But then! We knocked on this one less-active
family's door and the girl who answered was SO SHY. But really sweet.
She just turned twelve, so we talked to her a little about Young
Women's and gave her our card and then said bye. NOT EVEN TWO MINUTES
LATER her mom called us and we were so freaking out, we thought we
were about to get the wrath! She started saying, "You know we haven't
been active for years, right?" which we responded with, "Oh, actually,
we're both new to the area!" AND THEN she asked for more information
on Young Women's because her daughter really wants to go! HALLELUJAH!
PRAISE THE LORD! So we got more info about YW and they're doing a
super fun activity this week that we hope she goes to and we're just
so excited!

Today is Canadian Thanksgiving. And this weekend leading up to
Thanksgiving has been full of people inviting us over for
pre-Thanksgiving dinner, AND our zone decided to have a missionary
Thanksgiving dinner, so we are getting SO FAT! But that's ok,
because... well... Turkey. And rolls. Which they call buns here. It's
worth it. I love Thanksgiving. And there's enough people here from the
States that we'll most likely get fed on American Thanksgiving too.

You guys, I finished the Book of Mormon again this morning, and let me
just tell you HOW MUCH I LOVE IT!!! Like, what a blessing is it to
have another testament of Jesus Christ? To see how much so many people
went through to preserve these records that we can have them today!
Gosh, it's just so cool how much the Lord loves us! I love that book.
I love this church! And I love you all so much!( :Take care and enjoy

-Sister Pipkin

1) This cat really wanted to let us in. His owner did not. Lol.

2) You guys, it gets so dark here, SO EARLY. It's terrifying


4) (and 5) Just look at those gorgeous sunrise/sunset!

6) the zone at our Missionary Thangksiving Dinner that turned out ok
Sister Pipkin